
Hi again! I just wanted to send a quick reminder about the new website – ( This is where all the posts will be happening! And, here’s a preview of the new design:


Yesterday, on a whim I decided to finally update the design of this blog. After a few quick sketches, I have a new blog design – one that is much lighter, fresher and more “me.” In order to make the changes, I needed to go through several steps – the primary one being that the blog is now it’s own self-hosted site:

If you would like to continue receiving updates, please visit the new site: and click the link in the sidebar. You can continue to receive posts by email or have them populate with your RSS FeedReader.

If any of this sounds confusing and you’d like more information or a better understanding of what’s going on, leave a comment and I’ll reply as I can!


Chart Topper

What an amazing day! Cade and I met up with Genni and her children for a morning of casual conversation and fun. I am so glad we finally were able to make our schedules align – it was such an encouraging time. Definitely a “Chart Topper” kind of day for me!

We met at Discovery Green (discovery green) in downtown Houston and it was just a gorgeous day. Besides the wind it couldn’t have been any better. The kids ran around and explored as we soaked in all the latest happenings with one another.



There were so many interesting little spaces around the 12 acres. I loved these color blocked buildings and the tree-lined paths leading to butterfly gardens and a playground. Such a stark contrast from the cityscape on all four sides.



All in all a joyous day! I’m so thankful that Genni was willing to load everyone up and go through the hassle of packing up two for an outing! I tend to feel overwhelmed trying to get out the door with just one on most days!!

Cade’s Bedding

Wow! Talk about a flashback! It’s hard to remember Cade this tiny! Here’s what started the flashback – reading my dear friend, Laura’s blog. If you haven’t checked it out, you definitely should. She is so artistic, talented and has an amazing “eye” for all things designed (Think photography, home interiors, fabrics, etc. etc.). Design Life

Anyway, today on her blog she is featuring her great friend Michelle’s work. Thanks to Laura’s glowing recommendation many months ago, Michelle made all of Cade’s bedding – his bumper pads, crib skirt, and accent pillows. She does amazing work! And, Cade’s crib is being featured on her blog. Jump on over, if you’re interested in seeing it! Taylored Expressions

So, the photo above is because I was feeling a bit nostalgic about Cade, his crib and all his tiny necessities!

Tiny Trucks

I love having a little boy around. He is smiley. He is fierce. He is independent and tenderhearted. And. He loves little trucks. And, big trucks, I imagine. Jeb and I can’t help but smile when we find one of Cade’s prized toys in a random location.  For instance, we found one of Cade’s mini tractors (A gift from cousin Jackson, that he adores) inside Jeb’s boot in our closet. I don’t even remember him being in our closet. Then, this little dump truck has been found in our bathroom drawer, next to the toothbrushes. To be honest, didn’t even know he could reach that far!

I find random pieces of memorabilia that shout, “Cade’s been here” almost daily. Stashes of toys in the hamper, or dryer, or lined up on our bench. All pointing to Cade’s trail for the day.

**By the way, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve been catching up on past events. So sorry for slamming your inbox with all these at once. Oops!!

Rollins’ Baby Shower

Another girlfriend is having a baby in early April! Spring is such a great time for new life! All of nature is declaring it as well. Anyway, Krista’s sister-in-law, Mackenzie and I hosted a special shower for the new mom. I designed the invitations based on the color scheme of the nursery. By the way, I somehow didn’t get a good picture of the Expectant Mom, so just imagine a gorgeously tall and slender woman with a little basketball bump for a tummy and a bright smile. 🙂

There was so much love and excitement that went into making this a special morning for Krista. We enjoyed an assortment of sweets and treats brought by family and friends. Mackenzie made the adorable diaper wreath and we had each guest pen a blessing or prayer for baby Cason. The “Welcome Cason” frame and cupcake toppers matched the invitation design and the table decorations. We printed little sayings from popular children’s books and also Scripture highlighting the blessings and joy of babies!

I almost forgot to mention my special little helper. We had him packed in with all the goodies and supplies!

Daddy Date

The beginning of 2012 has been a little rocky for us. Jeb is pulling double-duty working and going to graduate school four days a week, with an hour and a half commute. Needless to say, it feels like we’ve all been running in different directions. The start of the year brought me a new beginning to stay at home full-time, which has been delightful and challenging!

There have been draining days and gloomy days and discontent days, but also an overwhelming peace at knowing we are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing. It’s unexplainable but having perfect peace and deep joy, despite less than perfect circumstances, has greatly increased my faith in Jesus. He is near. He knows me, hears me and speaks to me. I really can do all things by His strength and grace. By the amazing encouragement of my husband, I’ve been relying on Jesus more and more throughout my day. To really let Him in on all my small and irritating frustrations – not having enough energy, feeling lonely, not knowing how to properly and consistently discipline Cade, not feeling “cute” or “skinny” or dressed fashionably etc.

The outcome for me has been even greater levels of intimacy with the Father God. Isn’t it amazing what a shift in perspective can do for our physical health? Just knowing and trusting that God is for me, loves me and is wildly intent on having a relationship with me – and all His children, for that matter, is just heavy. The past few weeks have been great. Physically, I feel more like myself than I have pre-pregnancy, which was in 2010… I’m finding that I’m much quicker to seek out joy and I’m handling regular disappointments far better than before.

If the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. The the question I’m asking is, “Am I naturally exhibiting these qualities through my various roles as wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor?

P.S. The busy schedule is making us much more intentional in spending time together – even if it is a picnic dinner before Jeb’s meeting; hence the “Daddy Date!”

Water Fun

What a fun afternoon! Cade has been stacking, sorting, pouring and moving all sorts of items – blocks, trucks, Cheerios… So, I thought it would be great fun to head outside and let him play with buckets of water. I must say, it doesn’t get any more basic than this! Aren’t his expressions priceless? There were so many shrieks and giggles as he just looked at me like Really? You’re letting me get away with this!

Happy baby = happy Mama!

Living Room

Here’s a quick “Before and After” of our living room wall. By the way, how apparent is it that I didn’t even remotely clean up the area before snapping the photos?! Oh well! I have been feeling the need to brighten up our space for a little while now, and once the idea to paint entered my head, it was hard to refute it! So, I got Jeb in on the plan, and we tackled the one accent wall over the course of two evenings.

I’m itching to completely redo our entire living room – color scheme, furniture, placement, art and wall photos. But, that’s one overwhelming task! So, I’ve been training myself to just do a little at a time. Painting the wall was our first step. It’s now the same color as the surrounding walls and it instantly and dramatically brightened the space. Victory!

One of the next goals will be to hang our family portraits. We had these taken back in November and it’s time to finish this project! How about you? Any redecorating plans in your future? What about organizing the chaos? That’s another big one for me to tackle!


Lately, Mr. Cade has been dragging his dump truck everywhere. In fact, he’s loved the whole dumper part of it off a few times! On a side-note, our weather has been tricky. Cold then hot. Humid, rainy, cloudy, crisp and cold again. It’s hard to keep up! So, I’ve had Cade in thermals one day and then shorts the next! But, one thing’s for certain, he loves being outside. He even points and says, “Outside.” Of course, it only barely resembles the word, but I’m starting to speak his language of sorts!

Seeing Cade interact with nature and the outdoors helps foster wonder and fresh excitement in me. I’m now acutely aware of the differences in bird chatter, vehicles and even just the wind blowing though the trees. It’s all still so new to Little Man and you can’t help but get excited about what is exciting him. Yay for outdoors!